Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 3 and 4 Finish first pass at Music and Press Machine Mock up!

9/15 and 9/16:  Days 3 and 4!

9/16:  Music Rehearsals are going well!  We finished our first pass at all the music today, including the following that were left over on our list and others that were not!

Day 2: Finish from yesterday's list
 Lady Lindy
Tell Us, Mrs. Christie

Lady on the Lam-m119 on
How Do You Do It
Lady Lindy Reprise
Afternoon Tea
The Return

Choreography Exploration:  Kristi provided a mock up of the design for the press machine. It is a very rough mock up made of wood and arms made of cardboard tubes and foam heads.  It gives us the ability to move it around the space and see what it is capable of.   The ladies did some fun improvisations for me to feed my creative staging.  We played the "what does it look like game"  with the arms and heads.  Patrick Rizzotti was with us to see what modifications the mock up needed to be practical for us.  The mock up needed to be altered in size to be more compact in the space, And allow for the person, puppet, person, puppet design.  The front bar needs to be lower and the bases needed to be stabilized in movement.

TH 9/17: This is the first time we had a staggered call.  We wanted to work musically on each of the ladies' solos. So Tess Primack/Aimee came in and received some very spectacular one-on-one coaching from Dr. Page and myself.  After that hour, we revisited group numbers in Act II.

Staging:  I roughed out some choreography for the first PM entrance.  GP "Lady Lindy"  and PM echo of the same.  I am satisfied with the staging where GP becomes press and then becomes Mrs. Earhart.  Positionally, it works.  Choreography of Press Machine needs to be revisited, my first stab doesn't give us the tone that we need.  Challenge.....Hmm.  Love it.

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